Saturday, February 21, 2009

Portly folio

UPDATED: More enties. Sent the blasted thing in today via e-mail and the administrator said Bethany and I had a good chance at a scholarship? 100% grant? something along those lines if we started in June, and wrote a letter thing about why we chose the Academy of Art and what we plan to do with our futures. I'm really, really excited, but at the same time I wanted to go to Indiana this summer. If it's in God's will, it will all work out. If NOT well, I'll swing with it. That sounds really ungrateful, and it's not suppossed to. I guess I just can't quite grasp it all right now... Oh, yeah, I promised new entires. Here ya go!

Kay, kiddos. This is the sorry mess that is my college portfolio SO FAR. I still need, like, 11 more entries. And these are pretty sorry for a portfolio, but hey, it's the best I got. I know, I know! She's little loose lookin'... I'm sorry if your eyes are bleeding. She's my villain I've had in my head for 5 to 7 years. I lost count, but that's pretty irrelevant. She basically has the "Look, but you touch and I'll rip your hand off and feed it to you." attitude. Don't fret, the character mellows... this is just her at her most rebellious, evilness state. UGH I HATE THIS but it's all I have to show my "realistic portrait" stuff and it ain't much. Drew this back in... 05 or 03. I'll have to check the date again. Either way, dinosaurs still walked the earth. Christine Daae, in my cartoony style done on coral painter with my trusty tablet. Not too fond of this either. Whatever. I'm not fond of any of, really Done with Prismacolor markers... I would like this better if Christine (yeah, this is Christine Daae as a mom. Daae wouldn't be her last name, though) didn't look so kooky. She looks TOO animated if that were possible. Leave it to me to ruin something with over dramatics. Erik, the Phantom of the Opera in Pen&Ink! He looks like Michael Jackson! Still can't decide who's freakier. The Brotherhood of Mutants done "X-Men Evolution" style, in acrylic paint. I know I'll have a better, more realistic acrylic portrait in the portfolio. I'm not even sure why this is in here. Just a filler I guess. Shows you how much finished stuff I really have. http://http// This will only play once (yeah, it moves! EXCITING!) So you might have to A: refresh the page a scroll down quick, or B: click on the image and it will replay in another window. I hate this animation, but I get a good reaction from it, so that's a good thing, right? My Swedish Princess, Anja, in a looping walk cycle. I got sick of this, so that's why it shtinks so royally. She was supposed to kinda glide along while still retaining an awkwardness about her. I think I achieved the awkwardness because she looks like she's going to fall and she regains her balance. Watch her arms: it's funny. http://http// ON THE LINK TO TAKE YOU TO AN ACTUAL ONE THAT MOVES Fair warning, this is a huge file, so it will take a moment to load properly, then it should work fine.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pleasantly surprised

Today we have a guest artist: my mom! I am ashamed to admit it, but I was surprised by the quality of her painting... and she whipped it out in under 10 minutes... and on WAX PAPER, even! (technically, it's not wax paper, it's palette paper, but you get the idea. It's literally wax paper in a tablet) I just think this is great. She hasn't done anything like this in a long time and she still has it.

What an awesome lady.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, maybe I should get back to this...

Hello, hello, hello.

I've really neglected this place, so... after seeing some other people's really neat, uplifting, and inspiring blogs, I thought I'd get back to mine, and perhaps push some of the stuff from (two?) years ago to the back. Yeash, no longer a 'dump whatever' blog will this be...

So, if I don't get lazy again, and if this all goes as planned, this blog will be primarily an art blog, along with the reason/inspiration for the piece. You may even get illustrations with excerpts along with them! wont that be exciting? I can practically feel your excitement.

Sarcasm is so unbecoming...


by "art" I mean mostly sketches or doodles... but I find they can be fun sometimes, and everyone likes a bit of fun now and again, right? Or course right.

Before I lose ambition, here is the first "new" art! YAY!

Okay, so these are the three main characters of an RPG (role-playing-game. Basically, what it is, is you write parts of a story from your own characters point of view. There usually is no plot, so, generally, you don't know what's going to happen next. It's sickeningly delightful.) between me and two very dear friends of mine. Trapsin Evente is mine, Javanna (Tenerin Mornen), and Black Star are my friend's (Rachel and Sarah's respectively).
Trapsin is a nobody, and Javanna and Black Star are deep in deep stuff. Trapsin pretty much invited himself into their problems without knowing it because he was too afraid of his own. Trapsin is so... very much a character. To me he is anyway. I don't even look at Trapsin as "MY CHARACTER" you know? he just sort of 'is' and I have the wonderful, delightful, privilege of writing for him.

Anyway, the reason behind these sketches... this was an original idea for a "graphic" for the front page of the Yahoo!Group that holds the RPG. The three main characters eyes and then a "bust" of each. I have since come up with another idea I like much more that, Lord willing, I will successfully tackle.

I think I just jinxed myself.

Livie Out.